What is love ?
What does it meant ?
Whats the story behind it ?
What does love brings to human like us ?

A - Affection that brings love
B- Bravery is a must to love someone
C - Consideration plays a vital role
D- Doubtfulness should be avoided
E- Emotions should be taken
F - Foolishness happens when u fall head over heels
G - Grateful when yr love life goes on well
H - Happiness wins over millions
I - Independent when he's not there anymore
J - Jealousy when u look at him , but he looks at her
K - Kind to him with no reason
L - Loving him only
M - Marriage needs skills to maintain it well
N - Natural is how u should be when u r in love
O - Overcome anything together
P - Patience makes a relationship last longer
Q - Question yourself whether is it true or false
R - Rasional when you are making a decision
S - Sweet talk him at times to let him know that you cares
T - Tolerate with him to avoid argument
U - Unity to go through tough times
V - Value all those moments he's around you
W - Willing to sacrifice for him
X - Xpress what you feel about him
Y - Yearn over him
Z - Zest over your relationship with him


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